


  1. 科技词汇
  2. 经济词汇
  3. 社会词汇
  4. 环保词汇
  5. 文化词汇
  6. 生活词汇


  1. Cybersecurity(网络安全):指保护网络系统、数据和设备免受攻击和破坏的措施。

    • 例句:The company invests heavily in cybersecurity to protect customer data.
  2. Blockchain(区块链):一种分布式数据库技术,用于存储数据,确保数据不可篡改。

    • 例句:Blockchain technology is being used to create transparent and secure digital identities.
  3. Artificial Intelligence(人工智能):指由计算机程序实现的智能行为。

    • 例句:Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we live and work.


  1. E-commerce(电子商务):指通过互联网进行的商业活动。

    • 例句:E-commerce has become an indispensable part of our daily lives.
  2. Fintech(金融科技):指运用科技手段改进或创造新的金融服务。

    • 例句:Fintech companies are transforming the banking industry.
  3. Startup(初创公司):指成立时间不长、规模较小的企业。

    • 例句:Many startups have emerged in the tech sector in recent years.


  1. Social media(社交媒体):指基于互联网的社会化平台,如Facebook、Twitter等。

    • 例句:Social media has become a powerful tool for political activism.
  2. Globalization(全球化):指国家之间经济、政治、文化等方面的交流和融合。

    • 例句:Globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges to the world.
  3. Multiculturalism(多元文化主义):指尊重和包容不同文化背景的人。

    • 例句:Multiculturalism is an essential aspect of a harmonious society.


  1. Sustainability(可持续性):指满足当前需求而不损害后代满足其需求的能力。

    • 例句:The company focuses on sustainability to reduce its environmental impact.
  2. Renewable energy(可再生能源):指能够不断再生的能源,如太阳能、风能等。

    • 例句:Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular worldwide.
  3. Eco-friendly(环保的):指对环境友好、不会造成污染的。

    • 例句:Eco-friendly products are becoming more and more popular among consumers.


  1. Cultural heritage(文化遗产):指一个国家或民族的历史、艺术、传统等。

    • 例句:The ancient pyramids of Egypt are a symbol of our cultural heritage.
  2. Ethnic minority(少数民族):指在人口中占少数的民族。

    • 例句:Ethnic minorities play a significant role in maintaining cultural diversity.
  3. Folklore(民间传说):指口头传承的民间故事、传说等。

    • 例句:Folklore reflects the values and beliefs of a community.


  1. Lifestyle(生活方式):指个人的生活习惯、兴趣、价值观等。

    • 例句:A healthy lifestyle is essential for a long and happy life.
  2. Well-being(幸福感):指个人的心理、生理和社会福祉。

    • 例句:Well-being is a key indicator of a person’s happiness.
  3. Self-care(自我关爱):指关注自己的身心健康,采取积极措施维护自己的幸福。

    • 例句:Self-care is important for maintaining a balanced life.

